Thursday, 13 November 2014

Letting my mind wander

Ever since I came back from Bandung, Indonesia, my office desk has been decorated with amazing souvenirs that my awesome colleagues brought back from their travels; Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and a few other places. I, on the other hand, have been diligently staying put in Singapore at the request of my Old Man (he is not too keen seeing his oldest travelling out of his watchful eye).

Staring at my desktop/laptop and seeing numbers dance will always make me restless. I won’t deny that my mind wanders to either images of me curling up in my comfortable bed or having coffee with the better half. Often, my mind wonders to places I would want to visit. For the past few months, Jogja has been the subject of my curiosity.

Have a read at Nathariane's Post. If you don't feel that Borobudur is beautiful then you seriously need your eyes check (or maybe you are just not inclined to what I like. Hehe)
What I know about Jogja (or Yogyakarta, as it is spelled) is Mount Merapi and Borobudur. I knew nothing else before I start googling and reading travelogues about this beautiful city. I am inclined towards culture and historical significance when it comes to travelling. My main concerns to travelling are the accommodation and if there are any historical monuments or cultural museums that I can visit. If there is a volcano then that is an awesome bonus (I have a soft spot for these lava-spouting mountains). Mount Merapi and Mount Bromo has always been on my travel list but I have yet to find the courage (and money) to start on those adventures.

Lately, I find myself googling after my trip to Bandung, Indonesia (Yes, 2 volcanos are part of the itinerary) and so many sights starts to creep into my growling list of sights to see in Jogja. I knew about Borobudur but I did not know about the other 2 UNESCO sites; Prambanan and Ratu Boko. Neither did I know of the famous street of Malioboro. So now the search of what is interesting in Jogja begins. Every hour I spent looking at travelogues, my interest peak. It has come to a point that I am planning an itinerary to Jogja as a solo traveler. Yes, I am that desperate to go. I want to soak in the magnificence of Borobudur; I want to face Mout Merapi and see the destruction it caused when it erupted in 2010*. I want to learn a bit more of my heritage; the Javanese culture and food.

Looking at the souvenirs made me yearn for another trip. With God’s will, Jogja will be my next destination as I have finally found a partner to go with!

*Indicated earlier as 2012. My mistake.

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