Saturday, 11 July 2015

The little things counts

Those who personally know me knows that my phone is absolutely filled with photos. I love to take photos and actually be in them too (selfie!). Everyone knows how I love to take pictures of my food. Most people would patiently wait or even encourage me to take a picture of their portion of food before we indulge. The one person who actually hates it is none other than my better half.

"Why do you want to show the world what you're eating? It is just food. Nothing special."

Yes, my better half is not the supportive one when it comes to photography. He would do this to my photos:

How mature -_-

It actually takes a whole lot of effort to quickly take a photo before he invades my perfect photo with his long, lanky fingers. 

Sometimes I have to resort to this:

It may look so loving and nice but trust me, the laughter that surrounds this picture was deafening! 

I am sure I am not alone. I'm pretty sure some mine else's better half does this to them too!

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